Turning Thanks into Action

Wrapping up our 25th year of business

It’s no coincidence that ‘gratitude’ was the word of the year during our 25th anniversary year. Celebrating this milestone gave us the opportunity to reflect on achievements, celebrate growth and express gratitude to the communities that have supported our business along the way. While the parties and celebrations were fun, sharing our time and resources with multiple charities to strengthen their missions was even more impactful.


In addition to our annual 10% giving back tradition, McCownGordon set aside additional dollars this year to support charitable organizations in the communities where we live and work. Teams in each regional market, as well as our Business Resource Groups, selected organizations in their communities to make a gift or volunteer, or both! Together, our teams gave hundreds of volunteer hours to local nonprofits. We believe in the ripple effect from this initiative—where our neighbors will have their needs met and repeat the act of generosity.