Paws-ing to Reflect: 5 Key Trends from Petfood Forum 2024

McCownGordon's manufacturing team at Petfood Forum

Petfood Forum is a conference held in Kansas City that brings together over 3,500 pet food industry leaders from 40 countries for immersive educational experiences, insights to stay ahead of consumer trends and targeted networking opportunities. The biggest takeaway from this year’s conference: Pet owners continue to view their pets as members of the family and seek out pet foods that resemble human-grade quality. This trend has led to the rise of products featuring transparent ingredients, probiotics, customized products and more. Here are five key themes you might have missed: 

1. Prebiotics, probiotics and enzymes:

Pet owners are increasingly seeking out pet foods that offer more than just basic nutrition. They’re looking for functional ingredients that provide specific health benefits, such as prebiotics and probiotics for digestive health, omega-3 fatty acids for skin and coat health, and enzymes to enhance their overall health.

2. Sustainable packaging:

As environmental awareness grows, pet owners are looking for eco-friendly packaging options. Companies are responding by using recyclable, biodegradable, and compostable materials for pet food packaging.

3. Clean label/transparency:

Consumers want to know where their pet’s food comes from and how it’s made. Brands that emphasize transparency and provide detailed information about the ingredients, process and quality measures are in high demand. 

4. Customization and personalization:

Just as personalized nutrition gains traction in human food, pet owners are now looking for customized diets for their pets’ specific needs, such as age, breed, activity level, and health concerns.  

5. Freeze drying

Along with being free of preservatives and not needing refrigeration, freeze drying helps preserve the nutritional value of the ingredients and extends the shelf life by removing moisture.  

Save the date and get more information about next year’s event by clicking here. We hope to see you there! Until then, check out our recent case studies of a food grade grind room expansion and pet food packaging line replacement. Â