Two employees in hardhats on site pointing at the project

Diversity + Equity + Inclusion

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A Statement From McCownGordon's Leadership Team

Respect and inclusion for all.

Two of our core values—integrity and relationships—remain cornerstones for our company’s long-standing beliefs that all people be treated with respect and dignity.

We remain committed to providing equity, diversity and inclusion in manufacturing to ensure opportunities for all. Our focus on these principles remains steadfast, because we know diverse thoughts, ideas and perspectives from people of different races, genders, beliefs and backgrounds, make our company stronger. They make our community stronger. And they make each of us a better human being.

McCownGordon pledges to work with and within the community, along with business and civic leaders, to support initiatives that advance peace and equality for all.


McCownGordon Mentor/Protégé Program

The McCownGordon Mentor/Protégé Program enhances the ability of underrepresented trade partners to be competitive in the construction industry.


By strengthening our commitment to improving the representation of women and minorities, we’ve seen increased engagement and a focus on taking ownership and giving back.

We regularly communicate to share the value of diversity and inclusion in manufacturing, and engage groups and resources throughout the community to support these efforts. Our internal Diversity + Equity + Inclusion committee focuses on three main pillars: to understand, include and inspire.

McCownGordon's Veterans BRG on a tour of the VCP.

Our associates lead five Business Resource Groups (BRGs) to promote education and inclusion, along with our DEI Council and Advisory Board. McCownGordon’s BRGs include Black Heritage, Hispanic/Latinx, Pride, Veterans and Women in Leadership and promote education through internal initiatives and events.


James Maiden, a McCownGordon Construction associate
McCownGordon Construction recognizes the need for advancement in DEI efforts in the construction industry. The company’s leadership team and associates, strive to build a culture where all people feel accepted, safe and..."
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James Maiden

James Communications Specialist

John Gregory, a McCownGordon Construction employee
The ultimate goal is to help everyone at MGC feel that this is a safe place to come to, in the office or out in the field, where whatever characteristics beyond your..."
Continue Reading about John Gregory

John Gregory

Carpenter Foreman

Caleb Skaggs, a McCownGordon Construction associate
McCownGordon prioritizes inclusion in the hiring process. They make sure to not just favor candidates that look, and talk like them. It is understood that McCownGordon being more diverse as a company..."
Continue Reading about Caleb Skaggs

Caleb Skaggs


Jordan Pearson, Risk Coordinator at McCownGordon Construction
DEI fits right into our core values of integrity, performance and relationships. It helps associates feel an additional sense of belonging and purpose within the organization, and as a result, boosts associate..."
Continue Reading about Jordan Pearson

Jordan Pearson

Risk Coordinator

Two employees in hardhats on site pointing at the project

McCownGordon is committed to respect and inclusion for all associates.

To deliver the best building experience, we strive to build a team of professionals with diverse perspectives and varying life experiences that reflect the communities we serve, and to enhance overall diversity and inclusion in manufacturing.

Two McCownGordon associates talking at a computer in Manhattan Kansas

Instilled from our leadership

At McCownGordon, we look at diversity and inclusion in manufacturing as the diverse people with whom we associate, and inclusion is how we engage them. Diversity alone does not drive inclusion. We know the importance of ensuring that associates speak up and are heard, making it safe to propose ideas, empowering team members to make decisions, and sharing credit for team success.

Minority and Women Business Enterprises

McCownGordon has a proven record of meeting or exceeding MBE/WBE goals on projects. Our relationships with minority and women business enterprises are built on mutual respect and a commitment to our community.

Our program for diversity and inclusion in manufacturing begins with project outreach. Ensuring each and every trade partner has an equitable opportunity to work on a project is key to reaching goals.

The goal of our mentor-protege program is to bolster the area’s minority and women businesses. These companies often face challenges a company with a bit of experience can help them navigate. Our team partners with local MBE/WBE contractors, meeting regularly to provide guidance in every aspect of business, from project management and estimating to accounting and marketing. Our teams have found that this type of one-on-one relationship yields the most positive impacts on our trade partners.